Dr. Willis Newman, Esmeralda Newman, bible-teaching-about.com

Bible Education: 
Why is it necessary?


In an article entitled “Perspectives: How Christianity is growing around the world,” Charles Colson, former counsel to President Nixon, founder of Prison Fellowship, author, wrote: “… in 1900, there were approximately 10 million Christians in Africa. By 2000, there were 360 million. By 2025, conservative estimates see that number rising to 633 million. Those same estimates put the number of Christians in Latin America in 2025 at 640 million and in Asia at 460 million.” (2006. http://www.cbn.com)

This astounding growth calls for greater efforts on the part of Christians everywhere to help provide all the help we can for our younger siblings in the faith. This includes intensive discipleship and Bible training to grow and mature spiritually and be prepared for spiritual leadership. Many of the new converts are coming out of pagan, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist backgrounds.  For these young Christians to grow in their faith, they must make every effort to grow in their knowledge of the Scripture. However, it is also important that they unlearn all the lies and untruths that they have learned, believed and lived by in the past. As Aristhenes, a Greek Philosopher once said, “The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.”


Bible-teaching-about.com aims to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and provide an online resource for Christians in all stages of maturity around the globe. Why online? There is a staggering 1.7 billion internet users around the world today. According to internetworldstats.com, from 2000 to 2009 there was an increase of 380.3% growth in number of internet users and it is still growing!

The cyberspace is the most widely recognized and preferred tool in disseminating information today. Christians need to take advantage of the way the internet is allowing us to penetrate places we could never otherwise penetrate with the Gospel of Christ. It helps get around the barriers set up by many countries’ policy against Christian missionaries and evangelism, not to mention the dangers posed by ongoing war and hostility against Christians.

Bible-teaching-about.com has more than 80 free Bible study units that can be used for personal or group study, eBooks on Theology and Practical Life and Ministry, and an online Bible academy offering a Diploma in Biblical Studies. We also have a Question and Answer page giving people an opportunity for people to ask question related to Christianity, Bible doctrine, and ministry and life applications of Bible principles. To date there are 40 posted answers to real life questions submitted by our readers from across the globe.

first went live in September 2007 with just the Home Page. It took us the first year to build the website and upload most of the reading materials and eBook store. We are adding to this deposit on a regular basis. <br>

The Bible Academy went live in May of 2009. In just barely 2 years of web exposure, Bible-teaching-about.com now gets an average of 17,000 hits from around 7,000 to 8,000 unique visitors per month! We know that these numbers pale in comparison with big name websites, but to think that monthly up to 8000 people actually read and use the materials we post is both humbling and astonishing to us.


Here are some of the encouraging comments sent us by some of our readers/students:

“Thank you so much for this opportunity!  I received everything (materials for a course) and am reviewing it now as it downloads...can't wait to get started.  I hope there isn't a minimum time limit on this because I am so excited about this and want to get this one completed and apply what I learn from it.  I want to get as much as I can learn from your teaching to help make me the best soldier for Christ I can be.”                                                                           -   Tracey, America

“Nine years since I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I trust in Him as my rock and try to walk in Him, as the Word of God says don’t be lazy in struggle. I have studied your web site, and I found it the most wonderful site to get right to the True Word of God. I found that all your material is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith. Living in Pakistan we Christians is to face many obstacles to get the access to the Word of God…”        -  Seraphine. Pakistan


Under God’s leadership, we currently have more than 100 students enrolled in the Newman Academy coming from about 10 countries including the USA, South Africa, Nigeria, India, Jamaica, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. It is exciting to know that God is empowering our efforts to touch the lives of many from places we would never in our wildest imaginations think we could reach.<br><br>

Aside from the daily statistical record of how many people visit us each day, our web host provide us with a list of where the “hits” are coming from. Below is the chart our web host provides with the list of the top 30 countries we are able to reach just within the past few days:<br><br> 

Top 30 of 122 Total Countries

1 United States

2 South Africa

3 Russian Federation

4 Australia

5 Great Britain (UK)

6 Canada

7 Philippines

8 Germany

9 India

10 Netherlands

11 Trinidad and Tobago

12 Nigeria

13 Kenya

14 Romania

15 China

16 Ghana

17. Unknown

18 Ethiopia

19 Singapore

20 Uganda

21 Israel

22 New Zealand

23 Saudi Arabia

24 Austria

25 Ukraine

26 Malaysia

27 Zimbabwe

28 United Arab Emirates

29 Sweden

30 Norway

Isn’t this exciting?  By God’s grace we want to continue to reach even more, and that by faith many more would come to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. 



We ask you to pray that God will place His special anointing on our web site, so that many will find it and in finding it find salvation and the resources they need to grow spiritually,  and be truly grounded in the Word of God. 


Use the free Bible study materials for your own personal spiritual enrichment and in your Bible study group. Take some courses to help prepare you for greater ministry involvement.<br><br>


We (Willis and Esmie) donate our time and personal finance to keep the website and school going. However, our own assets can only go so far. The growing demand on our time is beginning to require us to perhaps quit our paying job (for one of us) and spend time maintaining the site, answering emails, grading papers and completing the Academy materials. For your tax 


We have several requests for us to provide scholarships. The tuition fee is $30 per course, which includes all the materials. We have deliberately set the cost low to accommodate people from Third World countries. The courses are transferable to Faith Evangelical Seminary, an accredited seminary based in Tacoma, WA, USA.  Many students are finding it difficult to pay.  Let us know and we can hook you up with the students needing help.


Tell your family and friends to visit Bible-teaching-about.com. Tell missionaries in far flung places where local Christians are not as free to worship or study the Bible like most of us can. 

Yours for reaching the world for Christ,

Dr. Willis and Esmie Newman

only search Bible-teaching-about.com










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